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Balance your hormone levels using exercise

When engaging in physical activity, your body will produce and release a number of different hormones; including endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, estrogen, and testosterone. Even when you’re working on correcting a hormone imbalance through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, it’s important to exercise regularly to maintain the production of your body’s most vital hormones and chemicals.

During an intense exercise session, a person’s estrogen levels will help fuel the body. Since women tend to have higher estrogen levels, women will often end up burning off fat for fuel, whereas men tend to burn off carbs. When women experience a hormone imbalance, they will often gain weight as a result of having lower estrogen levels.

On the other hand, testosterone is stimulated through intense physical activity and exercise, and contributes to muscle growth and muscle repair following training sessions. When testosterone levels decline as a result of hormone imbalance, men and women can experience weight gain and a decrease in muscle mass, as well as numerous other side effects.

Engaging in regular exercise can help battle and stave off hormone imbalances in both men and women. Here are several tips you can follow to make sure that the physical activities you perform will optimize your hormone production.

Keep your workouts short and sweet

Research shows that the most effective workouts are between 30 and 45 minutes. If your body’s hormone production is already low, then any lengthy workouts that exceed 45 minutes can increase cortisol levels and result in the breakdown of any existing muscle tissue. When your body suffers from low testosterone, it will have a difficult time repairing any damaged muscle tissue.

Perform short bursts of circuit-training exercises

Circuit-training will work multiple muscle groups at the same time, and if you take short breaks in between each circuit, your heart rate will remain high throughout your workout and result in maximum fat-burning. Studies show that circuit-training is most effective at boosting testosterone, especially during shorter, more intense training sessions.

Engage in yoga exercise

Yoga has been shown to lower blood cortisol levels and reduce adrenalin, and is one of the most popular exercises known for having a positive effect on a person’s mood and anxiety levels. If you don’t already perform yoga regularly, aim for at least one yoga workout per week by either joining a weekly yoga class, or by watching a yoga video.

Start lifting heavier weights

Men and women can both benefit from a surge in hormone production if they focus on lifting heavier weights with fewer repetitions, versus lifting lighter weights with more repetitions. A study conducted at the University of Connecticut at Storrs found that women who underwent six months of intense strength training and aerobic exercise produced more hormones than women who insisted on performing low-intensity strength training. Just make sure you use proper form when lifting to reduce the risk of injury.

Consume the right foods before and after workouts

Within an hour before and after your workout sessions, consume a healthy blend of protein and carbs to stimulate hormone production and promote muscle growth. Also, make sure you drink water before, during, and after your workouts in place of sports drinks — the latter of which often contain sugar and additives that can hinder hormone production and weight loss.

Rock Creek Wellness offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women who need help sustaining their hormone levels. Our pellet hormone program is designed for patients seeking a quick and affordable entry to bioidentical hormone therapy in Kansas City. Contact us today at 913-727-7700 to request a free consultation.


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